44Notebook PC E-ManualStarting for the first timeWhen you start your Notebook PC for the first time, a series of screensappear to guide you in configuring your Windows® 10 operating system.To start your Notebook PC for the first time:1. Press the power button on your Notebook PC. Wait for a fewminutes until the setup screen appears.2. From the setup screen, pick your region and a language to use onyour Notebook PC.3. Carefully read the License Terms. Select I accept.4. Follow the onscreen instructions to configure the following basicitems:• Personalize• Get online• Settings• Your account5. After configuring the basic items, Windows® 10 proceeds to installyour apps and preferred settings. Ensure that your Notebook PCis kept powered on during the setup process.6. Once the setup process is complete, the Desktop appears.NOTE: The screenshots in this chapter are for reference only.