ASUS Vivobaby E-Manual313. How often does the measurements update?• When the companion app is active and in the foreground,your ASUS Vivobaby Device will measure and update themeasurements every one (1) second.• When the companion app is in the background for three (3)to five (5) minutes, your ASUS Vivobaby Device will updatethe measurements every one (1) minute.4. Will my ASUS Vivobaby Device power itself off when it is notmonitoring anything?After charging your ASUS Vivobaby Device, the device willautomatically turn itself off after about three (3) minutes whenleft on the table.5. My ASUS Vivobaby Station shows my baby’s measurementsbut there is no data in my companion app.In your companion app, check if the device serial number isshown on the My Baby screen. If the device serial number is notshown, tap your baby’s profile picture on the My Baby screen,tap Device, select a device from the list, tap the tick icon on thetop right corner, then select the device position and monitorrange.6. When my ASUS Vivobaby Device enters alert mode, how doI return to monitor mode?When your ASUS Vivobaby Device gives off an alarm, it willenter alert mode. Press the Power button on the ASUS VivobabyDevice to return to monitor mode. You will be able to see yourbaby’s measurements after about one (1) minute.