Asus RC-AC68U Manual
Gv J. v. Stolbergln 31 - A38502263AB LeidschendamThe Netherlands+31 85 25 00 235www.jrseco.cominfo@jrseco.comOnce you have connected the first wireless device to it, this device will beautomatically registered by the router, and the router will switch into BeaconEco mode (learning mode). When you disconnect your device from the router,and no devices are connected to the router anymore, it will turn off the beaconsignal in standby, thereby reducing unnecessary emissions. The router willonly turn on its beacon signal for wireless devices that are on the registrationlist. It will however still respond to connection requests from unregistereddevices.1. When the router is in Beacon Eco mode, and you try to connect to itwith an unregistered device, it is possible that your wireless devicekeeps displaying 'connecting to network'. There is an easy procedure toresolve this. If ‘connecting to network’ keeps being displayed, cancel theconnection, and then reconnect. Alternatively you can first switch on thewifi on the device (using e.g. the wifi slider on your phone), wait 5seconds, then switch its wifi off and on again. Now you should be ableto connect.You only need to do this the first time you connect, when the device isnot registered yet. Then the Eco 100 router automatically saves theunique address of your device in the registration list and the next timeyou connect, it should go smoothly.2. Another way to connect an unregistered device to the Eco 100 router isto first connect with a previously registered device, so that the routergoes out of standby mode. Then connect with the unregistered device.3. You can also press the wifi button on the side of the router.4. Finally, it is also possible to connect your device to the hidden networkjrs or jrs5. You then need to enter the wifi network name manually. Usesecurity WPA2 and the same wifi password you set for the visiblenetworks. See the bold printed section below.When the router is in Full Eco standby mode, on unregistered devices the wifinetwork name will not be visible in the list of available networks. You can stilluse methods 2-4 to connect however, and have the router register the newdevice.To allow newer devices (iPhones, iPads and newer Android devices) towake up the router from Full Eco stand-by, connect them to hidden Othernetwork ‘jrs’ with security WPA2 and the same wifi password you set forthe visible networks. See also earlier in this manual.20Copyright 2020 JRS Eco Wireless – ECO-100 V5 |
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