1. Getting Started with Destinator PC PortalInstalling the Destinator PC PortalTo install the Destinator PC Portal:1. Insert the Destinator CD into the PC’s CD-ROM drive. The Destinator PC PortalInstallation wizard prompts you to select the language used for the installation process.When you have selected a language, click OK.2. Read the Welcome message and click Next.3. From the Select Directory screen, either accept the recommended default directory orbrowse to a different directory to install the Destinator PC Portal. Click Next.4. If you want to change the language selection or the directory location before installing,click Back and change the language selection. When you are ready to install theDestinator PC Portal, click Next. The Installation Status box displays the progress ofthe installation process.5. When the installation is complete, click the Finish button. The Select Language boxappears.6. From the Select Language dialog box, you can select the display language for theDestinator PC Portal. Select the Launch PC Portal checkbox for Destinator PC Portalto start immediately. Alternatively, you can start the Destinator PC Portal from theMicrosoft® Windows Programs menu.Note: You can uninstall the Destinator PC Portal by opening the Microsoft® WindowsPrograms menu, selecting Destinator > Uninstall Destinator PC Portal.