Router WANLANPowerlineInternetPL-E41PL-N12Quick Start GuidePL-N12 Kit300Mbps AV500 Wi-Fi PowerLine Extender¨Applicable to PL-N12 and its multiple-pack kits.This QSG uses PL-E41 powerline adapter to work with PL-N12 powerline extender.NOTE: Use the same steps to set up moreWi-Fi powerline devices.Plug-n-PlaySetting up your wireless networkPL-N12 Kit includes:• PL-N12 Wireless-N300 Wi-Fi PowerLine• PL-E41 Homeplug AV 500Mbps PowerLine Adapter1. Place your PL-N12 nextto your router, and turnboth devices on.2. Press the WPS button onyour router.Wi-Fi Clone (optional)Use your router’s wireless network name and password to yourPL-N12 settings.3. Press the Clonebutton on yourPL-N12.Your extender blinksslowly for a few seconds4. Your PL-N12 and your routernow have the same wirelessnetwork name and password.NOTE: If Wi-Fi Clone succeeds, move your PL-N12 to your preferredlocation. If it fails, follow the steps in PL-N12 Wireless Settings.Have fun!Model No. PL-N12 Your ConfigurationCustomized Wireless Network NameCustomized Wireless PasswordNOTE: Wait until the powerline andpower LEDs turn on.To connect devices to your PL-N12 Wi-Fi powerline,refer to the Wi-Fi information sticker for the defaultnetwork name (SSID) and password.To customize your PL-N12 network name (SSID)and password, refer to the section PL-N12 WirelessSettings.