48 ASUS ATI VGA User’s ManualIX. HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONSVideo Features (PCI-V264CT and PCI-AV264CT-N)• 32-bit PCI Local Bus graphics adapter• ATI-264CT Graphics Accelerator, 64-bit DRAM memory interface• Integrated 24-bit RAMDAC (135MHz Output Pixel Clock Interface)• Max resolution at 1280x1024x256 colors at 75Hz refresh rate with 2MB• DDC1 /2B monitor supported• DPMS (Display Power Management) for Green PC Power Saving2D Accelerator• Hardware acceleration-Rectangle Fill, Line Draw, BitBlt, Polygon Fill, Pan-ning/Scrolling, Bit Masking, Monochrome Expansion, Scissoring, and full ROPsupport• Hardware cursor up to 64x64x2• Acceleration provided in 4/8/16/24/32bpp modes. Packed pixel support (24bpp)enables true color in 1MB configurations• Game acceleration for Microsoft's Direct Draw - Double Buffering, VirtualSprites, Transparent Blit, Masked Blit, and Context ChainingVideo Accelerator• Support for 26-pin VESA compatible VGA Feature Connector (VFC) that sup-ports up to 1024x768 resolution.Resoultion TableWhen discussing color depth, 8 bits per pixel (8bpp) is the same as 256 colors and16bpp = 65,000 colors and 24bpp = 16.7 million colors.(Features)IX. HARDWARE PCI-(A)V264CT Max Referesh RatesResolution Colors 1MB 2MB640 x 480 x 8 256 120Hz 120Hz640 x 480 x 16 65,000 120Hz 120Hz640 x 480 x 24 16.7 Million 85Hz 90Hz800 x 600 x 8 256 100Hz 100Hz800 x 600 x 16 65,000 75Hz 75Hz800 x 600 x 24 16.7 Million --------- 60Hz1024 x 768 x 8 256 100Hz 100Hz1024 x 768 x 16 65,000 --------- 75Hz1024 x 768 x 24 16.7 Million --------- ---------1280 x 1024 x 8 256 --------- 75Hz1280 x 1024 x 16 65,000 --------- ---------1280 x 1024 x 24 16.7 Million --------- ---------