ASUS PCI-AS300 User’s Manual 3VI. Audio Driver InstallationManual InformationThe following three sections contain information for the audio software portion ofyour product. The first section (pages 1-12) deals with Audio Driver Installationfor Windows 95 and DOS & Windows 3.1x. The second section (70 pages) is theAudio Software Manual for Windows 95. The third section (86 pages) is the AudioSoftware Manual for DOS & Windows 3.1x.Installation CDThis CD contains a collection of audio drivers and audio software applicationsfor expansions cards with audio. To install the drivers, please follow the installa-tion procedures in the manuals that came with this product. For additional informa-tion, go to the respective directories, and view the "README" files.NOTE: The drivers were originally created for floppy diskettes. Please substituteyour CD ROM drive letter (such as D:) and the corresponding directory names inplace of any references to "A:" or "B:" floppy drives.To use the audio under Windows 3.1x, you must install a Configuration Managerand audio drivers. The following is a list of the main directories used in this audiosection:Installation CD Contents\AUDIO\CTCM Creative PnP Configuration Manager for DOS/Win3.1x(Run install.exe from DOS)\AUDIO\WIN31 Audio Drivers & Applications for DOS & Win3.1x(Run install.exe from DOS)\AUDIO\WIN95 Audio Drivers & Applications for Win95, no CTCMDouble click the "SETUP" icon from Win95\AUDIO\DISKS Individual installation disks for above drivers\AUDIO\DISKS\CTCM Copy to 1.44MB 3.5" floppy disks if necessary)\AUDIO\DISKS\WIN31\DISK1 & \DISK2\AUDIO\DISKS\WIN95\DISK1 & \DISK2(Manual & CD Info)Audio Driver