GTC ■ Service ManualASUS Proprietary15華華碩碩電電腦腦4.1 Can4.1 Can4.1 Can4.1 Can’’’’t Power Ont Power Ont Power Ont Power OnNote 1:1、Measure the reset signal ( MPU_RST#、ON_nOff ), Low► inspectrelated components.2 、 Measure clock signals XTAL_OUT (32kHz), CLK13M(13MHz),RF_CLK (26MHz) ►inspect related components U1, X1,U1804.3、Measure Chip Select Signal FCS# and DDR_CS# (H←→L) ►inspect U1 and U5.4、Measure Data Signal FLASH_D0 and DDR_D0 (H←→L) ►inspect U1 and U5.5、Remove the Memory U5, Re-download Image and Remount U5.Note 2:1、Don’t provide Power to PCB, and measure the impedance of allpower domain on the device.Note 3:1、Re-download image.