10 Chapter 1NOTE The pop-up menus are also available in most other programson your device. However, the pop-up menu items varydepending on the program or application.To access a pop-up menu, tap and hold the stylus on the item that youwish to perform action on. When the menu appears, lift the stylus, and tapthe action that you want to execute. To close the pop-up menu withoutperforming an action, tap anywhere outside the menu.Start menuPop-up menusMenu barAt the bottom of the screen of a program is the Menu bar. You can use themenus and buttons on the Menu bar to perform commands and actions.The menus and buttons vary depending on the programs you are using.From the Start menu,you can selectprograms, settings, andhelp topics.To display the Startmenu, tap the iconfrom the top of thescreen.With the pop-up menus,you can easily choose anaction for an item.For example, you can usethe pop-up menu in FileExplorer to delete, copy,or beam an item.Tap and hold until thepop-up menu appearsTap the action that youwish to performTap outside the pop-upmenu to close it withoutperforming an actionTap to open a recentlyused programTap to open a programTap to open the Programs menuTap to open the Settings menuTap to display the Help topics