1-8Chapter 1: Product IntroductionChapter 1• We recommend that you provide sufficient power when running CrossFireX™ mode.• Connect chassis fans to the motherboard chassis fan connectors when using multiplegraphics cards for better thermal environment.CPU FamilyPCIe operating modePCIE_X16_1 PCIE_X16_2 M.2_2 M.2_1(PCIE mode)M.2_1(SATA mode)AMD Ryzen™1st / 2ndGenerationProcessorsX16 N/A N/A X4 SupportX8 X4 X4 X4 SupportAMD Ryzen™/ Athlon™ withRadeon™ VegaGraphicsX8 N/A N/A X4 SupportVGA ConfigurationPCIe operating modePCIE_X16_1 PCIE_X16_2Single VGA/PCIe card x16 N/ADual VGA/PCIe card x8 x4VGA ConfigurationPCIe operating modePCIE_X16_1 PCIE_X16_2 PCIE_X16_3Single VGA/PCIe card x8 N/A N/ADual VGA/PCIe card x8 N/Ax4(PCI Express 2.0from chipset)AMD Ryzen™ 1st / 2nd Generation ProcessorsAMD Ryzen™ / Athlon™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics