TF201 GPS Extension Kit Copyright InformationNo part of this manual, including the products and software describedin it, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrievalsystem, or tranPadd into any language in any form or by any means, exceptdocumentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without theexpress written permission of ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (“ASUS”).ASUS and Transformer logo are trademarks of ASUSTek Computer Inc.Information in this document is subject to change without notice.Copyright © 2012 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.Limitation of LiabilityCircumstances may arise where because of a default on ASUS’ part or otherliability, you are entitled to recover damages from ASUS. In each suchinstance, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damagesfrom ASUS, ASUS is liable for no more than damages for bodily injury (includingdeath) and damage to real property and tangible personal property; orany other actual and direct damages resulted from omission or failure ofperforming legal duties under this Warranty Statement, up to the listedcontract price of each product.ASUS will only be responsible for or indemnify you for loss, damages or claimsbased in contract, tort or infringement under this Warranty Statement.This limit also applies to ASUS’ suppliers and its reseller. It is the maximum forwhich ASUS, its suppliers, and your reseller are collectively responsible.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS ASUS LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: (1)THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU FOR DAMAGES; (2) LOSS OF, OR DAMAGETO, YOUR RECORDS OR DATA; OR (3) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECTDAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDINGLOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF ASUS, ITS SUPPLIERS OR YOUR RESELLERIS INFORMED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY.