32 ASUS DVD-E616P2DVD region codesDVDs and DVD players are regionally coded to protect the DVD industry frompiracy and unfair promotions. For example, a DVD encoded for Region 1 may onlybe played on a Region 1 DVD-ROM or DVD player. Regional codes on DVDs areoptional. All DVD players can play DVDs with no specified region code.Follow the instructions to play a regionally-coded DVD on the drive.1. Check the region code of the DVD, then insert the disc into the drive.2. When the DVD playback prompts you to enter your country/location, select acountry/location within the region code of the DVD. Refer to the map and tablebelow.You are only allowed to change your country/location up to five times.This limitation makes the drive adaptable for use in many regions whilemaintaining compliance with RPC-II regulations.The ability to switch from one region to another is not an ongoing feature. Setthe drive to your local region to avoid incorrect setting.