ASUS DRW-0804P DVD±R/RW drive 23DVD region codesDVDs and DVD players are regionally coded to protect the DVD industryfrom piracy and unfair promotions. For example, a DVD encoded forRegion 1 may only be played on a Region 1 DVD-ROM or DVD player.Regional codes on DVDs are optional. All DVD players can play DVDswith no specified region code.Follow the instructions to play a regionally-coded DVD on the drive.1. Check the region code of the DVD, then insert the disc into the drive.2. When the DVD playback prompts you to enter your country/location,select a country/location within the region code of the DVD. Refer tothe map and table below.You are only allowed to change your country/location up to fivetimes. This limitation makes the drive adaptable for use in manyregions while maintaining compliance with RPC-II regulations.Region Code Area1 U.S., U.S. Territories, Canada2 Europe, Middle East, Japan, Egypt, S. Africa, Greenland3 South Eastern Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea4 Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, Pacific Islands5 Russia, Eastern Europe, India, Africa, North Korea6 ChinaThe ability to switch from one region to another is not an ongoing feature. Setthe drive to your local region to avoid incorrect setting.