ASUS ASMB9-iKVM3-21Send Keys1. Hold Down: These menu items can be used to act as holding down the correspondingkey when in Console Redirection.2. Press and Release: These menu items can be used to act as a press and release onthe corresponding key when in Console Redirection.Video Record1. Record Video: This option allows you to start recording the console redirection screen.2. Stop Recording: This option allows you to stop recording the console redirectionscreen.3. Record Settings: This menu item allows you to configure the video recording settings.PowerThese menu items allow you to change the power settings. Click the desired option toexecute the selected action.Active UsersThis menu will display the currently active users on the server.HelpThis menu will display the help menu.Hot KeysThese menu items allow you to make use of hot keys.KeyboardKeyboard Layout: This menu item allows you to select the keyboard layout.Browse FileClick this button to add or modify a CD media, then click Start Media to start or stop theredirection of a physical DVD/CD-ROM drive and CD image types such as iso.