A S U S A S M B 2A S U S A S M B 2A S U S A S M B 2A S U S A S M B 2A S U S A S M B 2 2 - 1 12 - 1 12 - 1 12 - 1 12 - 1 1ASMC Help Menu optionsASMC Help Menu optionsASMC Help Menu optionsASMC Help Menu optionsASMC Help Menu optionsO p t i o n sO p t i o n sO p t i o n sO p t i o n sO p t i o n s D e s c r i p t i o nD e s c r i p t i o nD e s c r i p t i o nD e s c r i p t i o nD e s c r i p t i o n-flash -load filename Update the ASMB2 firmware-sdr -save filename Save the SDR data to file-sdr -load filename Update the SDR data from file-kcs[smic/bt/pci_smic] NetFn command data.... Send IPMI command-bmc_ip [ip_addr] Write the BMC IP address(e.g., bmc_ip [ip_addr] [mac_addr] Write the PET destination IP and MAC(e.g., pet_ip_mac 010203040506) addresses-adm_name new_name_string Change the administration name-user_name new_name_string Change the user name-adm_password new_adm_password Change the administration password-user_password new_user_password Change the user password-init_asmb2 Initialize ASMB2-sol_baud [baud rate] Set the communication Baud rate(e.g., sol_baud 57600)-bmc_info Displays the BMC and PET IP and MACaddresses2. Configuring the LAN controllerConfiguring the LAN controllerConfiguring the LAN controllerConfiguring the LAN controllerConfiguring the LAN controllerBefore you can establish connection to the ASMB2 board, you mustconfigure the LAN port for server management used by the remote serverto connect to the local/central server.To configure the LAN port of the remote server:1. On the prompt, type a s m c - i n i t _ a s m b 2a s m c - i n i t _ a s m b 2a s m c - i n i t _ a s m b 2a s m c - i n i t _ a s m b 2a s m c - i n i t _ a s m b 2, then press . Thescreen displays the auto-detected information including the system/motherboard name, and the IPMI2.0 interface. The screen also showsthe status of the ASMB2.2. Shut down the remote server, then disconnect the power plug from theelectrical socket to initialize the ASMB2.3. Restart the remote server from the support CD.4. Run the ASMC utility from the support CD following the instructions inthe previous section.