225. Software Upgrade1. Download an updated software image file from the Internet (see ASUS Contact Informa-tion on the inside of the back cover for details) and save it to your hard drive.2. Make sure the modem is connected to your PC through the Ethernet interface and theConsole port on the modem is connected to your PC’s COM port.3. Run a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal.4. Run a BOOTP server program such as Weird Solutions’ BOOTP Server95, which works onWindows 95/98 as well as Windows NT. Configure your BOOTP server as shown below.5.1 SystemUpdateProcedureEnter the MAC addresslabeled on the back of yourADSL modem.Select Boot file andIP address fromAvalable options.Click Edit to enter the IPaddress of your computer.Click Close when you are done.