Chapter 3 – Gateway Setup and Configuration 18IoT Gateway System SRG-ACAN3.3.2 Set Static IPStep 1: Enter edit mode with the following command:$ nmcli con edit NETWORKPROFILESee table in 3.3.1 for NETWORKPROFILE valuesCommand should return the following (Ethernet0 used in this example):Step 2: Edit the IP Address with the following commands:$ nmcli> goto ipv4$ nmcli> set address IPADDRESS/24IPADDRESS is the address you wish to use. This example uses$ nmcli> save$ nmcli> quitYou have now exited the edit mode.$ sudo ifconfig PORT down$ sudo ifconfig PORT upPORT variables are eth0 for Ethernet0 or eth1 for Ethernet1; this exampleuses eth0.The following will be returned: