Chapter 3 – AMI BIOS Setup 63Network Appliance FWS-78308 Optimal Default, Failsafe DefaultData BitsParity None Optimal Default, Failsafe DefaultEvenOddMarkSpaceA Parity bit can be sent with the data bits to detect some transmission errors.Even : parity bit is 0 if the num of 1’s in the data bits is even.Odd : parity bit is 0 if the num of 1’s in the data bits is odd.Stop Bits 1 Optimal Default, Failsafe Default2Stop bits indicate the end of a serial data packet. (A start bit indicates the beginning).The standard setting is 1 stop bit. Communication with slow devices may.Flow control None Optimal Default, Failsafe DefaultHardware RTS/CTSFlow control can prevent data loss from buffer overflow. When sending data, if thereceiving buffers are full, a ‘stop’ signal can be sent to stop the data flow. Once theVT-UTF8 ComboKey SupportEnabled Optimal Default, Failsafe DefaultDisabledEnable VT-UTF8 Combination Key Support for ANSI/VT100 terminals.Recorder Mode Disabled Optimal Default, Failsafe DefaultEnabledWith this mode enabled only text will be sent. This is to capture Terminal data.Resolution 100x31 Disabled Optimal Default, Failsafe DefaultEnabledEnables or disables extended terminal resolution.Putty KeyPad VT100 Optimal Default, Failsafe DefaultLINUXXTERMR6SCOESCNVT400Select FunctionKey and KeyPad on Putty.