Chapter 4 – Installation Guide 43Mini SSP Vending Control Board AIOT-MSSP014.2 Vending SDK Installation4.2.1 Windows 10 VersionPlease follow the steps below to install supporting software programs before installingIntel_Intelligent_Vending_Sample_Application.exe.Step 1 Install QT 5.8 2 Update the PATH environment variable to include needed QT and Axis2Cruntime binaries.Step 3 In order to update the environment variable PATH in Windows 10, please followthe steps below.Step 3.1 Right click the Windows start button in the lower left hand corner.Step 3.2 Click System from the menu.Step 3.3 Click Advanced System Settings from the left panel.Step 3.4 Click the Environment Variables button in the popup.Step 3.5 In the System Variables section scroll to PATH and click the button.Step 3.8 In the popup add the above paths and click the New button for each line:c:\Qt\Qt5.8.0\5.8\msvc2015\binAll manuals and user guides at