ASUS 3DP-V264GT/PRO & 3DP-V264GT2/TV User’s Manual 43Click the TUNER button in the Task control panel to switch to Video In mode.The Control panel changes to the Video In control panel.*The Cable Connector is for an optional TV-Tuner available only when using athird-party TV-Tuner card connected to the V264GT/PRO’s AMC connector.Zooming and Unzooming - To select and enlarge a portion of the display1. Click within the display panel.2. Hold down the mouse button and draw a rectangle around the area you want to zoom.To return your display to normal, click the Unzoom button in the Control panel.Selectand enlarge a portion of the display by dragging the mouse across the Display PanelVI. Video PlayerVI. Video Player(Windows 95/3.x)CableConnector*VHS(Composite)Super VHS(S-Video)NormalZoomZoomInFullScreenZoomOut Capture SetupVolumeControlVolumeMute