AppendixA-12Copyright InformationNo part of this manual, including the products and software described init, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system,or translated into any language in any form or by any means, exceptdocumentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without theexpress written permission of ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (“ASUS”).ASUS PROVIDES THIS MANUAL “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANYKIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ASUS, ITS DIRECTORS,OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGESFOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF USE OR DATA,INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS AND THE LIKE), EVEN IF ASUS HAS BEENADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANYDEFECT OR ERROR IN THIS MANUAL OR PRODUCT.Products and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may notbe registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, andare used only for identification or explanation and to the owners’ benefit,without intent to infringe.SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS MANUALARE FURNISHED FOR INFORMATIONAL USE ONLY, AND ARE SUBJECTTO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE, AND SHOULD NOTBE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY ASUS. ASUS ASSUMES NORESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR INACCURACIESTHAT MAY APPEAR IN THIS MANUAL, INCLUDING THE PRODUCTS ANDSOFTWARE DESCRIBED IN IT.Copyright © 2009 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.