1 8 MIC-3357 User's Manual2.1 VGA Display Connector (CN1)The MIC-3357 provides an VGA controller for a high performance VGAinterface. The MIC-3357's CN1 is a DB-15 connector for VGA monitorinput. Pin assignments for the VGA display are detailed in Appendix B.2.2 Serial Ports (CN2 and CN3)The MIC-3357 offers two serial ports in micro-formats: COM1 andCOM2. These ports accepts RS-232, 422 and 485, and can be selectedby jumper setting (Please see section 1.5).You can select the address for each port ( For example, 3F8H [COM1],2F8H [COM2]) or disable it, using the BIOS Advanced Setup program,covered in Chapter 3.Different devices implement the RS-232/422/485 standard in differentways. If you are having problems with a serial device, be sure to checkthe pin assignments for the connector.The IRQ and address range for both ports are fixed. However, if youwish to disable the port or change these parameters later, you can dothis in the system BIOS setup. The table on the next page shows thesettings for the MIC-3357 board's ports:Table 2-1: MIC-3357 serial port default settingsPort Address DefaultCOM1 3F8, 2F8, 3E8, 2E8 3F8/IRQ4COM2 3F8, 2F8, 3E8, 2E8 2F8/IRQ32.3 PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Connector (CN4)The MIC-3357 provides a 6-pin mini-DIN connector (CN4) on the frontpanel for connection of PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse. The MIC-3357comes with an cable to convert from the single 6-pin mini-DIN connec-tor to a double PS/2 keyboard connector and PS/2 mouse connector.Since these two connectors are identical, please follow the icons onthe cable to plug the keyboard and the mouse into their correctconnectors.