EPD-132 Board User Manual 1125.1 The Acquisition of InformationSince ePaper is not a plug and play device, Advantech WISE-EC Design-in Serviceshelp customers to reduce the time and work involved with designing new ePaperdevices. Advantech handles the complexities of technical research and provideshardware and software integrated connectivity solutions to accelerate developmentof a wide range of applications such as electronic shelf labelling, smart logistic, smartfactory, smart hospital, digital information signage, and smart transportation. Advan-tech not only provides the single end device but an end-to-end solution including ourePaper Manager server, IoT gateway and router.With ePaper Manager, you can manage all information on ePaper devices in real-time. Remotely control all services to provide your customers with the latest informa-tion and have proper interaction with them. We also provide APIs to integrate datawith your original management system.Full centralized control at a glance Monitoring functions for low power etc Immediate/scheduling information to end user Control stock levels in stocktaking modeFlexible content editor for users Creation of templates with simple GUI Content previews for system management Auto-generated content by system Easily check product expiry dates