EKI-7659C User Manual 40Figure 3.8: System InformationIP ConfigurationUser can configure the IP Settings and DHCP client function here.• DHCP Client: To enable or disable the DHCP client function. When DHCP client function is enabled,the industrial switch will be assigned the IP address from the network DHCP server. The default IPaddress will be replaced by the DHCP server assigned IP address. After user click “Apply” button, apopup dialog show up. It is to inform the user that when the DHCP client is enabling, the current IP willlose and user should find the new IP on the DHCP server.• IP Address: Assign the IP address that the network is using. If DHCP client function is enabling, andthen user doesn’t need to assign the IP address. And, the network DHCP server will assign the IPaddress for the industrial switch and displays in this column. The default IP is• Subnet Mask: Assign the subnet mask of the IP address. If DHCP client function is enabling, and thenuser does not need to assign the subnet mask.• Gateway: Assign the network gateway for the industrial switch. The default gateway is• DNS1: Assign the primary DNS IP address.• DNS2: Assign the secondary DNS IP address.• And then, click