ASMB-585 User Manual 383.3.3 AMT ConfigurationFigure 3.6 AMT Configuration Intel AMTEnable or Disable Intel Active Management Technology BIOS Extension. BIOS Hotkey PressedTo enable or disable BIOS hotkey press. MEBx Selection Screen“Enable or Disable” MEBx selection screen. Hide Un-Configure ME Confirmation PromptHide un-configuration ME without password confirmation prompt. MEBx Debug Message OutputEnable MEBx debug message output. Un-Configure METo un-configure ME without password. AMT Wait TimerTo set a waiting time before sending ASF_BOOT_OPTIONS. Disable MESet ME to Soft temporary disable. ASFEnable or disable Alert Specification format. Activate Remote Assistance ProcessTo trigger CIRA boot. USB ConfigureTo enable or disable USB configure function. PET ProgressEnable or disable PET event progress to receive PET events.