ADESSO WARRANTYAdesso’s warranty obligations are limited to theterms set forth below. Adesso warrants thishardware product against defects in materialsand workmanship for a period of ONE (1) yearfrom the date of original retail purchase.If you discover a defect, Adesso will, at itsoption, repair or replace the product at nocharge to you, provided you return it duringthe warranty period with shipping charges pre-paid to Adesso. You must contact Adesso for aReturn Merchandise Authorization number(RMA) prior to returning any product. For eachproduct returned for warranty service, pleaseinclude your name, shipping address (no P.O.Box), telephone number, a copy of the bill ofsale as proof of purchase and make sure thatthe package is clearly marked with your RMAnumber.For warranty service outside of the UnitedStates or Canada, customer must bear the costof shipping in both directions. Please for instructions.THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTHABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALLOTHERS, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ADESSO SPECIFICALLYDISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDING AND WITHOUTLIMITATION, WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO ADESSO DEALER,AGENT, OR EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED TOMAKE ANY MODIFICATION, EXTENTION ORADDITION TO THIS WARRANTY.ADESSO IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESRESULTING FROM ANY BREACH OFWARRANTY, OR UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSTPROFITS, DOWNTIME, GOODWILL, DAMAGETO OR REPLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT ORPROPERTY AND ANY COST OF RECOVERING,REPROGRAMMING OR REPLRODUCING ANYPROGRAM OR DATA STORED IN OR USEDWITH ADESSO PRODUCTS. ADESSO’SMAXIMUM LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALLDAMAGES ARISING OUT OF USE OF THEPRODUCT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THEAMOUNTS PAID BY PURCHASER FOR SUCHPRODUCT.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitationor limitation of incidental or consequential damagesor exclusion of implied warranties, so the abovelimitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Thiswarranty gives you specific legal rights and you mayalso have other rights that vary from state to state.Adesso is a trademark of Adesso Inc. All othertrademarks and trade names are property of theirrespective holders. Specifications and information inthis publication are subject to change.Please Note: Long-term repetitive use ofany keyboard could cause injury to user.Adesso recommends users avoidexcessive use of this or any keyboard.Adesso Inc.160 Commerce WayWalnut, CA 91789Phone (909) 839-2929Fax (909) 839-2930www.adesso.comUSER GUIDEWireless SlimTouchMini KeyboardMODEL: WKB-4000For IBM and CompatibleComputer SystemsIncludes Windows® Keys