SECTION 6: DUCT H EATER INSTALLATION9 of 55SECTION 6: DUCT HEATER INSTALLATION6.1 GeneralTo connect the inlet and outlet ducts to the heater,Duct-Mate or similar flanges may be slid over theduct connector flanges supplied on the unit andsecured with screws. The connection to the ductthen can be made using the Duct-Mate clips. Theducts must have removable access panelsupstream and downstream of the heater. Thesepanels must be of appropriate size and placementso that smoke or reflected light could be observed toindicate the presence of leaks in the heatexchanger. Covers for these openings should besealed to prevent leakage.Any transition into the inlet of the heater should besmooth, with a taper of no more than 15 degrees. Ifelbows are required, they should be of either broadradius or fitted with properly designed turning vanes.Consult a professional to ensure turning vanes areproperly designed.The heater must be installed on the positivepressure side of the circulating air blower. Air flowthrough the heater must be as shown on Page 9,Figure 5 and may not be reversed. The air flow mustbe adjusted such that it is within the acceptablerange shown on Page 9, Section 6.1.2.The minimum inlet duct lengths shown on Page 9,Section 6.1.1 must be observed. Pressure dropthrough the heat exchanger at various air flows isshown on Page 9, Section 6.1.2.Figure 5: Air Flow Direction6.1.1 Minimum Inlet Duct Length6.1.2 Temperature Rise and Pressure Drop RangesModel Duct Length Duct Size (W X H)UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 150-175 52" (132 cm) 28" x 24" (71 cm x 60 cm)UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 200-250 60" (162 cm) 28" x 32 1/2" (71 cm x 83 cm)UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 300-400 75" (190 cm) 35" x 40 1/2" (89 cm x 82 cm)UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 150 UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 175 UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 200 UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 225Airflow(CFM)TemperatureRise (°F)PressureDrop(in wc)Airflow(CFM)TemperatureRise (°F)PressureDrop(in wc)Airflow(CFM)TemperatureRise (°F)PressureDrop(in wc)Airflow(CFM)TemperatureRise (°F)PressureDrop(in wc)1,360 83 0.02 1,400 95 0.03 2,050 73 0.025 2,100 80 0.0351,950 58 0.035 2,180 62 0.06 2,600 58 0.035 2,800 61 0.0522,800 41 0.057 3,244 42 0.10 3,600 42 0.056 4,600 37 0.1103,700 31 0.083 4,370 31 0.15 5,500 28 0.100 6,230 27 0.1674,700 24 0.12 5,160 27 0.19 6,570 23.5 0.129 7,400 23 0.2145,800 20 0.16 6,850 20 0.29 7,750 20 0.163 8,300 20 0.253UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 250 UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 300 UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 350 UHD[T][M][X][S][R] 400Airflow(CFM)TemperatureRise (°F)PressureDrop(in wc)Airflow(CFM)TemperatureRise (°F)PressureDrop(in wc)Airflow(CFM)TemperatureRise (°F)PressureDrop(in wc)Airflow(CFM)TemperatureRise (°F)PressureDrop(in wc)2,350 80 0.05 2,700 86 0.02 3,120 86 0.03 3,420 86 0.043,000 63 0.07 4,735 50 0.06 4,880 56 0.07 5,200 57 0.084,400 43 0.13 6,813 35 0.12 6,612 41 0.123 6,700 45 0.135,900 32 0.19 8,000 30 0.17 9,140 30 0.23 8,850 34 0.217,625 25 0.28 9,300 26 0.22 10,500 26 0.30 11,600 26 0.368,850 22 0.35 10,200 23 0.27 13,600 22 0.48 14,200 22 0.53