AP-IP300 IP Phone Installation Guide Version 1.0AddPac Technology Proprietary & Documentation 137Using APOS CommandsNOTE All the product lines of AddPac Technology are imbedded with APOS AddPacOperating System). Therefore, all the basic settings of CLI (Command LineInterface) are same.The commands are used for the following types of modes: User Mode: placing limitations on the system or providing an access for the datacommunication Management Mode: checking the status of the system configuration or the debugging functionsof the system Configuration Mode: changing the settings or creating new settings• You do not have to enter the entire command. Entering partial command is acceptable as to enterjust ‘sh’ or ‘sho’ and it is recognized as ‘show’ automatically.• If you made an error of entering the system commands, on-line help function provides the list allthe possible commands.• More function provides the additional screen to display all the remaining messages which aremissed out from one screen.• All the possible commands and their descriptions are executed in that particular mode by providingHelp and ‘?’ functions.History provides a list commands which have been used previously. By using the number of theprompt, you can enter the commands easily when you need to reenter them.• The structure of the system commands are divided into 3 types of modes and the commands usedare different to each other. The commands used for the each mode is described in the followings.