3.0 INITIAL SETUPWhat this section is all about . . .After connecting your home theater, you may elect to configure the GTP-760 to the specific speaker arrange-ment and dimensions of your system. The procedures described in this section demonstrate how to use theGTP-760’s on screen display to enter this information. Once complete, the GTP-760 stores this information sothat these tasks need only be repeated if speakers are changed or substantially repositioned. It should benoted that ADCOM’s factory presets have already been tailored for the most common home theater system - 5mid/high frequency speakers and a subwoofer. For such a system, the setup of the GTP-760 may alreadybe near optimum.3.1 The On Screen DisplayYou will use the GTP-760 on screen display during this setup procedure. If you have not yet connectedyour television to the GTP-760, consult the box titled Composite or S-Video in Section 1.2. With thisstep successfully complete, your television and GTP-760 are on and the television screen shows ablue (composite video) or light gray (S-Video) screen.On the GTP-760 remote control, press main and then menu. The television should now show thesetup menu.SETUP1 INPUT SETTINGS2 CHANNEL DELAYS3 SPEAKER SIZE4 CHANNEL BALANCE5 EXITThere are four sub-menus on this screen. These are:INPUT SETTINGS - shows information about the current state of operation of the GTP-760 and repeatsmuch of the same information shown on the GTP-760’s front panel. This menu should be the only partof the on screen display you might elect to use regularly after set up is complete. It allows you toeasily see the operating mode from the listening position. We will revisit the INPUT SETTINGS menuin section 3.5 after set up is complete.CHANNEL DELAYS, SPEAKER SIZE and CHANNEL BALANCE are the system setup menus. Wewill now use these for set up.3.2 CHANNEL DELAYSWith the SETUP screen visible, use the ( or ( button on the remote control to highlight CHANNELDELAYS and press select/play. You will see the following screen:CHANNEL DELAYSCENTER 0 mSREAR 15 mSUNDO CHANGESDONE29