Limited 3-Year WarrantyAdaptec, Inc. (“Adaptec”) warrants to the end-user purchaser of this product thatit will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of three (3)years from the date of purchase. If the product should become defective withinthe warranty period, Adaptec, at its option, will repair or replace the product, orrefund the purchaser’s purchase price for the product, provided it is delivered, atthe purchaser’s expense, to an authorized Adaptec service facility or to Adaptec.Repair or replacement parts or products will be furnished on an exchange basisand will either be new or reconditioned. All replaced parts or products shallbecome the property of Adaptec. This warranty shall not apply if the product hasbeen damaged by accident, misuse, abuse or as a result of unauthorized service orparts.Warranty service is available to the purchaser by delivering the product duringthe warranty period to an authorized Adaptec service facility or to Adaptec andproviding proof of purchase price and date. The purchaser shall bear all ship-ping, packing and insurance costs and all other costs, excluding labor and parts,necessary to effectuate repair, replacement or refund under this warranty.For more infromation on how to obtain warranty service, write or telephoneAdaptec at 691 South Milpitas Boulevard, Milpitas, CA 95035, or telephone:(800) 959-7274.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT EXTEND TO ANY PRODUCTWHICH HAS BEEN DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF ACCIDENT, MISUSE,ABUSE OR AS A RESULT OF UNAUTHORIZED SERVICE OR PARTS.THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS AND IMPLIEDWARRANTIES FOR THIS PRODUCT. IN THE EVENT THIS PRODUCTBECOMES DEFECTIVE DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD, THE PUR-CHASER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE REPAIR, REPLACEMENTOR REFUND AS PROVIDED ABOVE. INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUEN-TIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OF DATA,ARISING FROM BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTYARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ADAPTEC AND, TO THE EXTENTPERMITTED BY LAW, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED BOTH FOR PROPERTYDAMAGE, AND TO THE EXTENT NOT UNCONSCIONABLE, FOR PER-