4-24PCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet AdaptersPCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Adapters User’s GuideStock Number: 511472-00, Rev. A Page: 4-24Print Spec Number: 496708-00Current Date: 5/5/97 ECN Date: 5/97IBM OS/2 SMPNote: Consult the \readme\os2.txt file for the latest driverinformation and installation instructions. Some proceduresor information may have changed or may not have beenavailable when this user’s guide was printed.The ANA-6944A/TX, ANA-6901, and the ANA-6911A/TX OS/2drivers support OS/2 SMP. If you choose to run an older or differentversion of OS/2, you may need to obtain your protocol or client filesfrom third-party sources.The ANA-6944A/TX, ANA-6901A, and the ANA-6911A/TX OS/2drivers support connections to all of the following network operat-ing systems:n Novell NetWaren OS/2 Peer Clientn IBM LAN Servern IBM LAN Requestorn Windows NTFollow the instructions below to install the ANA-6944A/TX,ANA-6901, and the ANA-6911A/TX OS/2 drivers using OS/2SMP. If you are using an older version of OS/2, refer to the installa-tion documentation that came with your OS/2 software.Installing with LAN ServerUse this installation procedure when installing for the IBM LANServer and IBM LAN Requestor environments.1 In the IBM LAN Services window, double-click the OS/2 LANServices Installation/Configuration icon.2 Select Other Adapter to add a single port adapter. Repeat thisthree times for the ANA-6944A/TX to add the other threeports as separate devices.3 Enter the full path name for the drivers as follows:a:\ndis.os2