Appendix D: Using the Array Configuration Utility for DOS ● 102Sample ScriptsThis command invokes the ACU and creates arrays on controller 1 based on the arraykeywords defined in the script file A:\RAID.ACU. It also configures Channel 0 and saves a logof the operation in the log file C:\RAID.LOG:A:\> ACU /P A:\RAID.ACU /L C:\RAID.LOG /C1This sample script file is the RAID.ACU script as referred to in the ACU command above. Thisscript creates these arrays—a 500 MB single-disk volume, and a 2-GB two-disk drive RAID 1with a hot spare:# Create a 500MB volume labeled ‘MySystem’Array=MySystemType=VolumeSize=500MBDrives=0:0:0End# Create a 2GB mirror labeled ‘MyMirror’Array=MyMirrorType=RAID1Size=2GB5 Unable to read system configuration—The ACU was unable to get the configurationinformation from the specified controller.6 No drives detected.7 Specified drive not found in system.8 Specified array size too small—You specified an array size that is smaller than theminimum size allowed for this array.9 Specified array size too big—You specified an array size that is larger than the maximumsize allowed for this array.10 Number of drives do not match the array type—The number of drives you selected isinvalid for the type of array specified.11 Unable to initialize drive.12 Error occurred while creating array.13 Too many spare drives assigned—You attempted to assign more than the maximumnumber of hot spares allowed for the specified array.14 Insufficient memory to run the application.15 Incorrect controller number.16 Controller not responding.17 Build/Verify/Clear failed.18 Cannot use drives on shared channel.21 Failed in getting kernel version. Unknown product ID.22 Kernel timeout in writing command.23 No RAID channels available24 Error: wrong stripe size in creating array - script mode.100 You ran ACU and made changes—The ACU exited with no errors (success) and you mustrestart the computer.Code Description