Chapter 9: Managing Your Storage Space ● 42About Adaptec Storage ManagerAdaptec Storage Manager is a full-featured software application that helps you build a storagespace for your online data, using HostRAID controllers and disk drives.With Adaptec Storage Manager, you can group disk drives into logical drives and build inredundancy to protect your data and improve system performance.You can also use Adaptec Storage Manager to monitor and manage all the controllers and diskdrives in your storage space from a single location.When Adaptec Storage Manager is installed on a computer, the Adaptec Storage Manager agentis also installed automatically. The agent is like a service that keeps your storage space running.It’s designed to run in the background, without user intervention, and its job is to monitor andmanage system health, event notifications, tasks schedules, and other on-going processes onthat system. It sends notices when tasks are completed successfully, and sounds an alarm whenerrors or failures occur on that system.The agent uses less memory than the full application. If your storage space includes systemsthat won’t be connected to monitors (and therefore won’t require the user interface), you canchoose to run the agent only on those systems instead of the full application. For moreinformation, refer to the Adaptec Storage Manager User’s Guide or online Help.Installing Adaptec Storage ManagerAdaptec Storage Manager is included on the Adaptec Storage Manager Installation CD. Forinstallation instructions, refer to the Adaptec Storage Manager User’s Guide, also included onthe Adaptec Storage Manager Installation CD.About the HRCONF Command Line UtilityHRCONF (HostRAID Configuration Utility) is a command line utility that you can use toperform some basic array and configuration management functions.With HRCONF, you can:● Create and delete logical drives● Modify and copy configuration settings● Recover from disk drive failures and troubleshootInstalling and Using the Command Line Utility on page 76, describes how to use HRCONF.Note: Adaptec recommends that only advanced users familiar with command lineinterfaces use HRCONF.