8 Navigation SystemUser AgreementIn using this DVD “Satellite LinkedNavigation System” (the “DVD”),which includes HONDA MOTOR CO.,LTD. software, ALPINEELECTRONICS, INC. software,NAVTEQ database contents, INFOUSA CORPORATION database,ZAGAT SURVEY database contents,and ZENRIN CO. database contents(hereinafter referred to as “Licensors”),you are bound by the terms andconditions set forth below.By using your copy of the DVD, youhave expressed your Agreement to theterms and conditions of this Agreement.You should, therefore, make sure thatyou read and understand the followingprovisions. If for any reason you do notwish to be bound by the terms of thisAgreement, please return the DVD toyour dealer.• The DVD may not be copied,duplicated, or otherwise modified, inwhole or in part, without the expresswritten permission of the Licensors.• The DVD may not be transferred orsublicensed to any third party forprofit, rent or loan, or licensed forreuse in any manner.• The DVD may not be decompiled,reverse engineered or otherwisedisassembled, in whole or in part.• The DVD may not be used in anetwork or by any other manner ofsimultaneous use in multiple systems.• The DVD is intended solely forpersonal use (or internal use wherethe end-user is a business) by theclient. The DVD is not to be used forcommercial purposes.• The Licensors do not guarantee to theclient that the functions included inthe DVD meet the specific objectivesof the user.• Licensor shall not be responsible forany damages caused by the use of theDVD to the actual user or to any thirdparty.• The warranty on the DVD shall notextend to an exchange or refund dueto misspelling, omission of letters, orany other cosmetic discrepancy in thecontents of the DVD.• The right to use the DVD shall expireeither when the user destroys theDVD or software, or when any of theterms of this Agreement are violatedand the Licensors exercise the optionto revoke the license to use the DVDor software.2008 TL