The tires that came on your vehiclehave a number of markings. Thoseyou should be aware of are describedbelow.Rim diameter in inches.Load index (a numerical codeassociated with the maximumload the tire can carry).Speed symbol (analphabetical code indicatingthe maximum speed rating).The tire identification number (TIN)is a group of numbers and lettersthat look like the following exampleTIN. TIN is located on the sidewallof the tire.Whenever tires are replaced, theyshould be replaced with tires of thesame size. The following is anexample of tire size with anexplanation of what each componentmeans.Vehicle type (P indicatespassenger vehicle).Tire width in millimeters.Aspect ratio (the tire’s sectionheight as a percentage of itswidth).Tire construction code (Rindicates radial).Tire type code.This indicates that the tiremeets all requirements ofthe U.S. Department ofTransportation.Manufacturer’sidentification mark.Date of manufacture.Max Press The maximum airpressure the tire canhold.Max Load The maximum load thetire can carry atmaximum air pressure.P55RDOTB97RFW6X220225518104HTire LabelingTire SizeTire Identification NumberMaximum Tire PressureMaximum Tire Load450P255/55R18 104HDOT B97R FW6X 2202