250V MAX15A MAXFUSEDCOMDC15A200K20K2K 200 8CYL6CYL TACHX105CYL4CYLOHMS15A250V MAX15A MAXFUSEDCOMDC15AAUTO POWER OFFCP7678®OFF200202DC V200m20M200K20K2K 200 8CYL6CYL TACHX105CYL4CYL8CYL6CYL5CYL4CYLDWELLDUTYCYCLE%OHMS°20V15A8Measuring DC VoltageThis multimeter can be used to measure DCvoltages in the range from 0 to 200V. You canuse this multimeter to do any DC voltagemeasurement called out in the vehicle servicemanual. The most common applications aremeasuring voltage drops, and checking if thecorrect voltage arrived at a sensor or a par-ticular circuit.crease to the appropriate range as re-quired. (See Setting the Range on page 6)6. View reading on display - Note rangesetting for correct units.NOTE: 200mV = 0.2VMeasuring ResistanceResistance is measured in electrical unitscalled ohms (Ω). The digital multimeter canmeasure resistance from 0.1Ω to 20MΩ or(20,000,000 ohms). Infinite resistance isshown with a “1” on the left side of display(See Setting the Range on page 6). You canuse this multimeter to do any resistance mea-surement called out in the vehicle servicemanual. Testing ignition coils, spark plug wires,and some engine sensors are common usesfor the OHMS (Ω) function.Fig. 7To measure DC Voltages (see Fig. 7):1. Insert BLACK test lead into COM testlead jack.2. Insert RED test lead into testlead jack.3. Connect RED test lead to positive (+)side of voltage source.4. Connect BLACK test lead to negative (-)side of voltage source.NOTE: If you don’t know which side ispositive (+) and which side is negative (-),then arbitrarily connect the RED test leadto one side and the BLACK to the other.The multimeter automatically senses po-larity and will display a minus (-) sign whennegative polarity is measured. If you switchthe RED and BLACK test leads, positivepolarity will now be indicated on the dis-play. Measuring negative voltages causesno harm to the multimeter.5. Turn multimeter rotary switch to de-sired voltage range.If the approximate voltage is unknown,start at the largest voltage range and de-Fig. 8To measure Resistance (see Fig. 8):1. Turn circuit power OFF.To get an accurate resistance measure-ment and avoid possible damage to thedigital multimeter and electrical circuit un-der test, turn off all electrical power in thecircuit where the resistance measurementis being taken.2. Insert BLACK test lead into COM testlead jack.3. Insert RED test lead into testlead jack.4. Turn multimeter rotary switch to 200Ωrange.Touch RED and BLACK multimeter leadstogether and view reading on display.RedBlackRed BlackUnknownResistance