1600 PSI ElEctrIc PrESSurE WaShErOwner’s ManualPurchase Date:___________________ Serial #: __________________version xe 06_09/2009_rev.1Questions, Problems, missing Parts?before returning to your retailer, visit our web site or call our customer service atwww.activeproducts.com / 1-866-924-7626Please KeeP tHe original boX, PaCKaging anD reCeiPt. beFore oPeratingtHis unit, Please reaD tHis manual tHorougHlY anD retain it For FuturereFerenCe. iF You must store Your Pressure WasHer in a PlaCe WHeretHe temPerature is beloW 5ºC, You must aPPlY WinteriZing ProCeDure toProteCt it. Failure to WinteriZe tHe unit maY PermanentlY Damage PumPanD VoiD tHe WarrantY.moDel no.: Xe06sKu: 039-8592-2