Version 1.3 Operation Manual, Nimbie NB11© 2010, Acronova Technology, Inc. 7UNPACKING YOUR NIMBIECongratulations on purchasing the Nimbie Automated Disc Publisher.Your Nimbie automated optical disc publisher is a state-of-the-artintegrated system, with a built-in single optical disc recorder, USB 2.0interface and autoloader, which requires a PC and software to operate.Nimbie has a 30 disc capacity and an enclosure that protects discsfrom dust. Thanks to the first-in-first-out (FIFO) mechanism, thecapacity can be easily increased to 100 discs or more using theincluded extension rods. The reject disc handling mechanism allowssoftware to separate faulty discs from a duplication session.Depending on the purchase of your Nimbie, it may come with aCD/DVD, LightScribe enabled or Blu-ray recorder. In addition toburning CD and DVD discs, the Blu-ray version will also burn Blu-raydiscs. The software will determine the disc processing speed andperformance.In addition to burning discs, Nimbie can also automatically rip or read astack of discs by running compatible software. Refer to the operationmanual that came with the software for further details.If you have purchased the LightScribe version of Nimbie, and need toLightScribe label discs, just place your stack of LightScribe media labelside down into the loader and run the LightScribe enabled labelingsoftware. Utilizing the LightScribe-enabled optical disc drive inNimbie, the label will be directly laser-etched on the disc, without theuse of ink or cartridges.Please read this manual carefully before using Nimbie. This userguide contains all the information on its operation and maintenance.We value your comments and suggestions and thank you for yourpurchase.Package ContentsBefore opening the package, carefully inspect for any damage. Ifthere is any sign of damage, contact the shipping company and yourlocal dealer immediately.Save the packing materials in case you need to ship or return yourproduct. The original packaging will ensure the product is protectedduring transportation. Returning goods without the original packagingmay not protect the product during transportation, and will void yourwarranty.