11Refrigerator’s twosides or the backheat8.1 As condensation tube is placed here and caused the above phenomenon,which is normal.the cabinet surfacecondensation 9.1 Air humidity is too large.◆ The solution for the common problem.1.Cooling is not enough good(Many reasons might cause that cooling not enough good, as blow :)Reason analysis Solutions1) Leakage of GasIf some gas leaked unit will work not well.Phenomenon of failure:a. lower pressure of liquid cycle systemb. high temperature of copper tube ofdischarging gas, hand feels very hot.C. much noise, sounds like “ZZZZZ”, comesfrom outlet of capillary.d. the temperature fell down very slowly.First find out the point of leakingon tube, and then sealed it,vacuuming it, finally recharge withGas.Note:If you find oil on somewhere, it ispossible that leakage point isthere.2) The quantity ofGas is too muchIf too much Gas was charged into the cyclesystem, the extra gas will occupy somespace of evaporator, so that the area of heatexchange becomes less, unit will work notwell.Phenomenon of failure:a, higher pressure of liquid cycle systemthan norm.b, higher temperature of condenser.c, larger electric current of compressord, there maybe ice on the suction tube.e, when gas is too much, some gas liquidmight goes back into compressor,compressor will be damaged by liquid.First stop unit for several minutes,and then open charging tube,discharge all of gas. Change anew filter, and then recharge gas,finally sealed the system.3) There is air in theliquid cycle systemThe air in system will cause lower efficiencyof cooling.Phenomenon of failure:a, higher pressure of liquid cycle systemthan norm, but the pressure is not over thelimit.b, higher temperature of discharging tube.C, much noiseFirst stop unit for several minutes,and then open charging tube,discharge all of gas. Change anew filter, and then recharge gas,finally sealed the system.4)Low workingefficiency ofcompressorGeneral when a compressor works for manyyears, some parts of compressor were wear,so that compressor discharge less gas out,unit does not work strongly.Phenomenon of failure:a, lower pressure of discharging, check theChange a new compressor.