A C O R N C O N T R O L S / A C O R N C O N T R O LVA LV E S . C O M / 1 . 8 0 0 . 4 8 8 . 8 9 9 930VALVE SETTINGS SCREENParameter Range Default Valve ConfiguredValue(1) NotesOutlet Temp.Setpoint 60 to 180o F 120 Can also be changed at Alert/Alarm ScreenInstalled ValvesAssignmentLoop #1 or Loop#2 Per Order Unless valves are added or deleted from thesystem, DO NOT changeActuator On/Off On (checked) orOff Per Order For Deactivating Actuator, turn “off”(typ. For replacement)BV (Ball Valve)openOpen (checked)Or Closed Checked CheckedThis confirms status of outlet ball valve. If youclose it, e.g. to isolate fixtures or if valve is NOTin service, uncheck this box.Valve(s) Selection Sliders If supplied as a BASyC™, the software is preconfigured for valve model selection. IfUpgrading, please make sure the sliders are selecting the correct model valves.ALERT/ALARM CONFIGURATION SCREENCW Low Limit 35 to 200o F 35o F If the CW temp. goes below this value,an alert will result.(2)CW High Limit 35 to 200o F 130o F If the CW temp. goes above this value,an alert will result.(2)HW Low Limit 35 to 200o F 110o F If the HW temp. goes below this value,an alert will result.(2)HW High Limit 35 to 200o F 180o F If the HW temp. goes above this value,an alert will result.(2)CW PSI Low Limit 0 to 125 PSI 0 PSI If the CW press. goes below this value,an alert will result.(2)CW PSI High Limit 0 to 125 PSI 80 PSI If the CW press. goes above this value,an alert will result.(2)HW PSI Low Limit 0 to 125 PSI 0 PSI If the HW press. goes below this value,an alert will result.(2)HW PSI High Limit 0 to 125 PSI 80 PSI If the HW press. goes above this value,an alert will result.(2)Outlet PSI Low Limit 0 to 125 psi 0 PSi If the mixing station outlet press. goes below thisvalue, an alert will result.(2)Outlet PSI High Limit 0 to 125o F 80 PSI If the mixing station outlet press. goes above thisvalue, an alert will result.(2)Outlet Temp.Setpoint Max. Limit 35 to 180o F 130o F If setpoint is set above this value,an alert will result.APPENDIX A: USER SETTINGS CHART