– 45 –Examining andRepairing a Hard DriveThere are a number of reasons why a hard drive maybecome damaged or the data may become corrupted.Regular examination of your disk with a quality diskexamination and repair utility is the best way to preventirreparable disk damage and avoid data loss.There are several software packages available that offera suite of disk management utilities, including defrag-mentation, optimization, repair, erased file recoveryand more. How often you should perform maintenanceoperations depends on how much you use the drive.Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to examine a diskfor damage at least once a month.Some maintenance and repair operations can takequite some time, so it is wise to schedule these opera-tions for those times when you don’t need to use yourcomputer. The good news is that, for the most part, youwon’t need to tend to the computer while the softwareperforms these operations.Protect Your Data from VirusesOne of the greatest threats to your data comes fromviruses. These nasty-sounding creatures are insidiousprograms created by malefactors. Some viruses aredesigned to render your computer inoperable; otherswill erase files. The worst part is you may not be awarethat your system has been infected until it’s too late.The most common way computers catch viruses is