First things firstYour guidesviiiENENFirst things firstWe would like to thank you for making the Acer c500 Series your choice for meetingyour travel companion needs. Your sleek new Acer c500 Series is a multi-functionaltool packed with user-friendly features and high-performance applications that makeorganizing work-related information and synchronizing it with your personalactivities an easy, efficient task. We hope you enjoy using your Acer c500 Series asmuch as we enjoyed creating it for you.To effectively manage both business and personal information, your Acer c500 Serieslets you:• Install software and new applications.• Use the Microsoft ® Windows® Mobile 5.0 software to perform organizing andcomputing tasks.• Synchronize the information on your computer with the information on yourAcer c500 Series using Microsoft® ActiveSync ®.• Get connected to the Internet with Microsoft ® Internet Explorer Mobile.• Create an on-the-go backup file.• Expand your Acer c500 Series' capabilities using the built-in SD/MMC slot.• Exchange information between devices that have Bluetooth® / WLAN(optional) capabilities.• Find your destination with the built-in GPS navigation system.• Customize your Acer c500 Series based on your personal requirements andpreferences.NOTE: Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.Your guidesTo help you use your Acer c500 Series, we have designed a set of guides:For information on: Refer to:Programs on your Acer c500 Series This User Manual. Bundled in the Acer c500 SeriesCompanion CD, it provides online reference for usingyour Acer c500 Series.The Acer c500 Series Help. To view Help, tap andthen Help.Programs on your Acer c500 Seriesand additional programs that canbe installed on your Acer c500SeriesThe Acer c500 Series Companion CD.