Chapter 2 40Advanced BIOS FeaturesThe following screen shows the Advanced BIOS Features.The following table describes each Advanced BIOS Features parameter. Settings in boldface are the defaultand suggested settings.Parameter Description OptionsHard Disk Boot Priority Selects the hard disk boot priority. Press [Enter]Show Hard Disk Name1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8Virus Warning Allows you to choose the Virus warning feature forthe IDE hard disk boot sector protection. If thisfunction is enabled and someone attempts to writedata into this area, BIOS will show a warningmessage on screen and alarm beep.DisabledEnabledCPU L1 & L2 Cache Uses internal level 1 (L1) and external level 2 (L2)cache memory to improve performance.EnabledDisabledHyper-Threading Technology The processor uses Hyper-Threading technology toincrease transaction rates and reduces end-userresponse times. The technology treats the twocores inside the processor as two logicalprocessors that can execute instructionssimultaneously. In this way, the systemperformance is highly improved. If you disable thefunction, the processor will use only one core toexecute the instructions.EnabledDisabledQuick Power On Self Test This parameter speeds up POST by skipping someitems that are normally checked.EnabledDisabled