6 Using third -party applic ationsAcrobat® Reader® for Pocket PC®80Acrobat® Reader® for Pocket PC®Acrobat ® Reader® for Pocket PC ® is a software that lets you view, Adobe PortableDocument Format (PDF) files from your handheld.Acrobat Reader for Pocket PC includes two components that work together:• The ActiveSync® filter runs on the Windows platform. It prepares untaggedAdobe PDF files for the Pocket PC and transports them to your handheld.• The Reader is the Pocket PC application, designed to accommodate thecharacteristics of small-screen devices.Acrobat ® Reader® for Pocket PC ® allows you to choose between two ways to viewAdobe PDF files.• One allows you to view the Adobe PDF file exactly as intended.• The second utilises tagged Adobe PDF files, which provide the best readingexperience on handhelds because text and images can be easily reflowed tofit the screen size.For more information about Acrobat® Reader® for Pocket PC®, refer to(http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readerforppc.html/).PocketTVTMPocketTVTM allows you to playback standard MPEG-1 video files (i.e. extension .mpeg,.mpe or .mpg) as well as MPEG-1 video elementary streams (i.e. video only, no audio),with extension .m1v.The program also supports .m1u files (MPEG-1 URL). These are text files that containthe URL of an MPEG file. These files can be used to trigger streaming from web pages.For more information, see (http://www.pockettv.com/html.html/).NOTE: PocketTV can be launched from the File Explorer, by tapping on an MPEG file.Refer to the subsequent sections for a brief description of PocketTV’s menus andcommands.