Using your phone - 11HomeTap this icon to go directly to the Home screen. Tap and hold this iconto open Google Now or Search.OverviewTap this icon to see recently opened apps in your phone’s Overviewscreen. Tap an app to open it. Tap anywhere on the screen to returnto the Home screen. See Multitasking on page 19.Using the touchscreenYour phone uses a touchscreen for selecting items and enteringinformation. Use your finger to tap the screen.Tap: Touch the screen once to open items and select options.Swipe: Quickly swipe your finger across the screen to switch screensor open lists of options or information.Drag: Hold your finger on the screen and drag across the screen toselect text and images.Tap and hold: Tap and hold an item to see a list of actions availablefor that item. On the pop-up menu that appears, tap the action youwant to perform.Scroll: To scroll up or down the screen, simply drag your finger up ordown the screen in the direction that you want to scroll.Onscreen keyboardsGoogle keyboardThis is a onscreen keyboard that allows you toenter text. Tap and hold a key with numbers atthe top to select alternative characters, such asletters with accents.NoteThe keyboard layout varies slightly, depending on the application andinformation that is required.