43Note: After turning on USB storage, you will not be able to access the files inapplications such as Gallery or Music.SynchronizationYou can sync your calendar, email and contacts onyour phone and never worry about losing themagain. Sync in real time or adjust it as you please.In the Application menu, tap Settings. UnderACCOUNTS, tap the appropriate account andagain under ACCOUNTS tap that account’s emailaddress to access the synchronization settings.To add a new account, tap Add account. Selectthe type of account (Corporate, Email, Facebook,or Google) and then follow the onscreeninstructions.Google SyncIn Google, you can set synchronization forBrowser, Calendar, Contacts, Gmail, and GooglePhotos. In your Google account’s synchornizationsettings menu, tap the checkmark next to the itemyou would like to have auto-sync. Tap again touncheck any for manual synchronization.To manually synchronize an item, make sure the item is checked, tap the Menu iconand then tap Sync now.Note: You need a Google account to sync your calendar and appointments.Data usage wizardThe Data usage wizard monitors and logs all of yourdata usage and data consumption. You can accessthe Data usage by tapping on the Data usage wizardfrom the Home screen. By checking the Data usage,you can determine which apps were used and howmuch data was used on any given day.www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/Browser, Calendar, Contacts, Gmail, and Googlewww.devicemanuals.eu/Browser, Calendar, Contacts, Gmail, and GooglePhotos. In your Google account’s synchornizationwww.devicemanuals.eu/Photos. In your Google account’s synchornizationheckmark next to the itemwww.devicemanuals.eu/heckmark next to the itemyou would like to have auto-sync. Tap again towww.devicemanuals.eu/you would like to have auto-sync. Tap again touncheck any for manual synchronization.www.devicemanuals.eu/uncheck any for manual synchronization.To manually synchronize an item, makewww.devicemanuals.eu/To manually synchronize an item, make suwww.devicemanuals.eu/suwww.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/www.devicemanuals.eu/: You need a Google account to sync your calendar and appointments.www.devicemanuals.eu/: You need a Google account to sync your calendar and appointments.: You need a Google account to sync your calendar and appointments.www.devicemanuals.eu/: You need a Google account to sync your calendar and appointments.Data usage wizardwww.devicemanuals.eu/Data usage wizardThe Data usage wizard monitors and logs all of yourwww.devicemanuals.eu/The Data usage wizard monitors and logs all of your