26 Chapter 1Using the System UtilitiesAcer Bio-Protection (for selected models)Acer Bio-Protection Fingerprint Solution is a multi-purpose fingerprint software package integrated with theMicrosoft® Windows® operating system. Utilizing the uniqueness of one's fingerprint features, Acer Bio-Protection Fingerprint Solution has incorporated protection against unauthorized access to your computer withPre-Boot Authentication (PBA), centralized password management with Password Bank, and fast application/website launching and login with Acer FingerLaunch.Acer Bio-Protection Fingerprint Solution also allows you to navigate through web browsers and documentsusing Acer FingerNav. With Acer Bio-Protection Fingerprint Solution, you can now enjoy an extra layer ofprotection for your personal computer, as well as the convenience of accessing your daily tasks with a simpleswipe of your finger!For more information refer to the Acer Bio-Protection help files.NTI ShadowNTI Shadow allows users to schedule continuous backup jobs that copy the contents of one or more folders(the "backup source") to another location (the "backup destination"). The backup jobs are continuous becausethey are scheduled to regularly update the data in the backup folder either continuously or in user-definedintervals. You can schedule a job to run every certain number of minutes, on certain days at a specified time,or whenever any data in the backup source are modified.Shadow can also be configured to archive file versions. If this option is enabled, then any file that is saved oroverwritten will trigger Shadow to archive the previous version of the file. The file versions are stored in aRevisions folder in the backup destination. Users can configure how many versions of a file to maintain.Shadow supports backups on local hard drives, USB/FireWire external hard drives, USB pen drives, NASdevices, and any drive with drive letter access.Launching the utility is as easy as pressing one buttons. For more information refer to the NTI Shadow helpfiles.