22 Chapter 1The Acer eDataSecurity Management setup wizard will prompt you for a supervisor password and defaultencryption password. This password will be used to encrypt files by default, or you can choose to enter yourown password when encrypting a file.NOTE: The password used to encrypt a file is the unique key that the system needs to decrypt it. If you losethe password, the supervisor password is the only other key capable of decrypting the file. If you loseboth passwords, there will be no way to decrypt your encrypted file! Be sure to safeguard all relatedpasswords!Acer eLock ManagementAcer eLock Management is simple yet effective utility that allows you to lock removable storage, optical andfloppy drive devices to ensure that data can't be stolen while your system is unattended. Removable Storage Devices — includes USB disk drives, USB pen drives, USB flash drives, USB MP3drives, USB memory card readers, IEEE 1394 disk drives, and any other removable storage devicesthat can be mounted as a file system when plugged into the system. Optical Drive Devices — includes any kind of CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, HD-DVD or Blu-ray drive devices. Floppy Drive Devices — 3.5-inch floppy drives only.