39Load Default SettingsSelecting the Load Default Settings option on theMain menu will display the following dialog box:Choosing Y enables BIOS to restore the defaultfactory settings.IRQResourcesIRQ3 (COM2)IRQ4 (COM1)IRQ5 (Net-work/Soundor Others)IRQ7 (Printeror Others)IRQ9 (Videoor Others)IRQ10 (SCSIor Others)IRQ11 (SCSIor Others)IRQ12 (PS/2Mouse)IRQ14 (IDE1)IRQ15 (IDE2)If your ISA card is not PnP-com-patible and requires a specialIRQ to support its function, setthe selected IRQ to Legacy ISA.This setting informs the PnPBIOS to reserve the selectedIRQ for the installed legacy ISAcard. The default is PCI/ISA PnP.Take note that PCI cards arealways PnP-compatible (exceptold PCI IDE cards).PCI DeviceReservedPCI/VGA Pal-ette SnoopLets you use the palette snoop-ing feature if you installedmore than one VGA card in thesystem. The PVI/VGA palettesnoop function allows the con-trol palette register (CPR) tomanage and update the VGARAM DAC (Digital Analog Con-verter, a color data storage) ofeach VGA card installed in thesystem. The snooping processlets the CPR send a signal to allthe VGA cards so that they canupdate their individual RAMDACs. The signal goes throughthe cards continuously until allRAM DAC data has beenupdated. This allows the dis-play of multiple images on thescreen.Note: Some VGA cards haverequire a fixed setting for thisfeature. Check your VGA cardmanual before setting thisparameterDisabledEnabled