Chapter 3 - BIOS Utility 3-19The Base Address and IRQ parameters areconfigurable only if the Serial Port parameters areenabled.3.5.3 Parallel Port7KLV SDUDPHWHU DOORZV \RX WR HQDEOH RU GLVDEOH WKH SDUDOOHO SRUW 7KH GHIDXOW VHWWLQJ LV Bi-directionalBase Address7KLV IXQFWLRQ OHWV \RX VHW D ORJLFDO EDVH DGGUHVV IRU WKH SDUDOOHO SRUW 7KH RSWLRQV DUH• 3BCh• 378h• 278hIRQ7KLV IXQFWLRQ OHWV \RX DVVLJQ DQ LQWHUUXSW IRU WKH SDUDOOHO SRUW 7KH RSWLRQV DUH ,54 5 DQG 7The Base Address and IRQ parameters areconfigurable only if the Parallel Port is enabled.If you install an add-on card that has a parallelport whose address conflicts with the parallel porton board, a warning message appears on thescreen.Check the parallel port address on the add-oncard and change the address to one that does notconflict.